Hospital CIMA San José
WiFi Warning and Disclaimer

This free WiFi service ("Service") is provided by Hospital CIMA San Jose ("Company") to its customers. Please read below Service Terms and Conditions. To use the Service, users must accept these Service Terms and Conditions.

1. The Service allows the user to access the Internet via the Wi-Fi network provided by the Company by using the user's Wi-Fi-enabled device. In order to use the Service, the user must use a Wi-Fi -enabled device and related software. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the user's device works with the Service.

2. The Company may from time to time modify or enhance or suspend the Service.

3. The user acknowledges and consents that:

(a) The Service has to be operated properly in accordance with the recommended practice, and with the appropriate hardware and software installed;

(b) The provisioning of the Service may reveal location-specific data, usage and retention of which are subject to the local standard privacy policy and jurisdiction;

(c) Every user is entitled to 24 continuous hours free WiFi service every day at the Company's designated location(s).

(d) The Company excludes all liability or responsibility for any cost, claim, damage or loss to the user or to any third party whether direct or indirect of any kind including revenue, loss or profits or any consequential loss in contract, tort, under any statute or otherwise (including negligence) arising out of or in any way related to the Service (including, but not limited to, any loss to the user arising from a suspension of the Service or Wi-Fi disconnection or degrade of Service quality); and

(e) The Company will not be liable to the user or any other person for any loss or damage resulting from a delay or failure to perform these Terms and Conditions in whole or in part where such delay or failure is due to causes beyond the Company's reasonable control, or which is not occasioned by its fault or negligence, including acts or omissions of third parties (including telecommunications network operators, Information Service content providers and equipment suppliers), shortage of components, war, the threat of imminent war, riots or other acts of civil disobedience, insurrection, acts of God, restraints imposed by governments or any other supranational legal authority, industrial or trade disputes, fires, explosions, storms, floods, lightening, earthquakes and other natural calamities.

4. The user's use of the Service is subject to the coverage and connectivity conditions of the Service network and the Company makes no guarantee regarding the service performance and availability of the Service network. The Company hereby expressly reserves the right to cease the provisioning of the Service in the event the same is being substantially affected by reasons beyond the control of the Company.


WARNING: This free service is an open network provided for your convenience and its use is at your own risk. It is available to the general public, and is NOT INHERENTLY SECURE. The providers cannot and do not guarantee the privacy of your data and communication while using the service.

There are potentially serious security issues with any computer connected to the Internet without the appropriate protection, ranging from viruses, worms and other programs that can damage the user's computer, to attacks on the computer by unauthorized or unwanted third parties. By using this service, you acknowledge and knowingly accept the potentially serious risks of accessing the Internet over an unsecured network. It is recommended that users take steps to protect their own computer system, such as installing current anti-virus software and maintaining appropriate firewall protection. For further information on how to protect yourself on this open network, consult a security professional.


Utilizing virus protection, a personal firewall, and other measures to protect the information on your laptop is highly recommended, and is the sole responsibility of the laptop user.

For technical support please dial 1066 or contact us by E-Mail to